I am an experienced Lecturer at Hanze Hogeschool. I am skilled in Genetics, Cell Biology and Bioinformatics and have worked in higher education for many years. My PhD degree focused in Medical Sciences from Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
I completed my study and training as a Biotechnologist at the Hanzehogeschool University of Applied Science (UAS) Groningen for which I graduated in 2001. I initially worked as a lab technician in the field of Radiation Oncology at University Medical Centre Groningen (UMCG) in the lab of Rob Coppes and Harrie Kampinga to study normal tissue damage induced by radiation. In 2004, I started as a PhD student to study the human HSP70 gene family and the role to protect against chronic protein stress (polyQ diseases) in the lab of Harrie Kampinga. Thereafter, I started in the lab of Folkert Kuipers to study the role of nuclear receptors in bile salt metabolism. Around 2010, I have moved to the Hanzehogeschool to become a teacher in Molecular Biology, Genetics and Bioinformatics.
Since 2016, I am a Senior lecturer of the Biology and Medical Laboratory education program and are involved in curriculum development. My task is to keep track of the future of the Biological and Medical Research major and to implement new content-related as well as educational concepts.
Within the CureQ consortium, I am involved in WP7 aimed at the outreach activities. Specifically, at the dissemination of the research knowledge and skills. I will be involved in the development of a Medical Genetics course (5 EC) at the Hanze UAS that covers the theoretical, practical and ethical concepts of personalized Medical Genetics. In addition, I will be involved in the development of a Cell Biology course (5 EC) at the Hanze UAS focused on both the theoretical and practical aspects of classical 2D cell culture, as well as 3D (organoid) and (trans)differentiation cell culture technologies.